Reinvigorate Your Goals, Thursday, July 11th
Jodi Bogart
Reinvigorate Your Goals...
Recharge Your Future
Rediscover your professional goals and reinvigorate your core desires. Clarify what you want to experience and who you want to be along the way to achieving your goals.
Have you gotten stuck instead of making progress toward a goal? Has it become a big to-do list and started to feel like drudgery? Jodi Bogart will help us connect with 5 goals, then choose one to explore and do a deep dive in order to gain clarity about what we want to experience by achieving that goal. Jodi will help us approach our goal from our heart-space versus our headspace, and she will guide us through a creative process which adds fun, beauty, and color and uses both our left and right brain to anchor our goal.
Each person will leave with a powerful image, helping them to stay connected to their goal.
Jodi Bogart is an award winning artist, graphic designer and life coach.