Women's Empowerment, New Board Installation, Thursday, June 13th

Event starts in event finished - on June 13th, 2024 05:30pm

Roylin Downs   Roylin Downs

Women's Empowerment and A New Board Year

VCPWN is happy to feature Roylin Downs of Trystology as our featured speaker. This evening's talk is about women owning their power, their sexuality and encouraging connection with their partner and themselves. Roylin will encourage empowerment by knowing what you want and asking for it. She will share the importance of taking time to take care of yourself, and she'll share fun and playful household items as well as soft and sensual pajamas and loungewear that Trystology offers.

This celebratory dinner meeting is also when VCPWN engages in our annual installation of the next board of directors. The meeting will involve thanking the outgoing board and introducing and inducting our new board.

There will be an exchange of gifts as thanks for a year of service, and a brief talk about the coming year.

Come network with new and long time friends and enjoy a scrumptious dinner. Bring a door prize for additional business exposure.
